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There is Resistance
Post Date:6/4/2023 Last Updated:6/4/2023
An account of our mother's hospital visit is recounted in the profile The Elderly that appears below.  Based on her experience at the hospital it is reasonable to ask the following questions.

Has hospital administration and management benefited financially with extra compensation when that hospital makes a diagnosis and provides treatment for a Covid patient?

Has hospital administration and management been incentivized financially and by who (what administration or management) to initiate Covid in a patient, provide treatment for weeks or months and potentially bring about that patient's death?  Would hospital administrators take it upon themselves to engage in something of this magnitude?

Are people admitted through hospital emergency rooms primarily the patients being subjected to this treatment, exposed to Covid and harmed at the hospital?

Other than the hospital system making monetary gain what other administrations and management benefit from the death of hospital patients aged 65 and older?

Has a precedent in this country been established that dictates that the elderly, infirmed and disabled should be eradicated along with their financial burden and cost to society?

Does this portend the future so that going to the hospital even for something minor can result in anyone being exterminated using various methods, under any designation, and that can be covered up?  Is the pre-meditated, initiated, executed death of the unknowing who seek medical help the equivalent of assisted suicide, euthanasia or anything else it is to be called?  Or is it murder?



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